Monday, October 10, 2011

Slimes Molds and Jellies!

Even if you are not in the camp that says all monsters should be unique, it can be a challenge to find or create monsters that savvy players can't just easily metagame their way through.  To help alleviate this challenge I created this chart that allows a DM to quickly create a remixed version of the slimes molds and jellies of classic fantasy adventure gaming.  This chart can be used on the fly or when preparing a dungeon.  Personally I think it works best when used to generate an ooze or two to give various rooms or regions in a dungeon a specific flavor.

Please download and let me know if you use it:

Slimes, Molds & Jellies!


  1. Not using it yet, but I'm planning on it. I've got one level devoted to slime and they're on random encounters in other levels.

    Best part of the table:
    Roll again and it's luminescent.

    Wow, a 20% chance that a slime will be intelligent!

    Question - how would you define the difference between a pudding and an ooze?

  2. Great! glad to hear it. As far as the difference between a pudding and ooze I'm tempted to go back to the old monster manual and give each type a base number appearing and size based on that, but on second thought I think it's better to just suggest that oozes are nasty bubbly things that get all over the place even without independent movement, while a pudding is maybe a little larger and forms into a single blob with more surface tension.

    1. I know this is an older post, but the link doesn't seem to be working :(

    2. Ordo,
      Thanks for asking, it's fixed now. There's also a link over on the right under Free Loot.
