Friday, December 2, 2011

Elves of Invisible Moons

I've had this post partially completed for a while and the discussion about elves at 9 and 30 kingdoms and Strange Magic has inspired me to kick this out:

This could be used for all elves in a campaign, or an optional variant sub-race, perhaps called "Moon Elves".


Origins: All elves descend on silver chords from one of five invisible moons.
  • Elves from the first moon do not wish to be seen and so they descend on nights when there is no light from the sixth (visible) moon, or into fog or mist.
  • Elves of the second moon descend into cities, into markets or fairs, sometimes onto balconies or minarets.
  • Elves of the third moon descend only to the highest mountain peaks, or sometimes climb as far as they can on their chords and then trick or cajole winged creatures into carrying them the rest of the way.
  • Elves of the fourth moon disguise their silver chords as lightning.
  • The fifth moon floats in the sky in the hollow center of the world. Elves of the fifth moon"descend" into caverns and caves.
Physical Characteristics:  Elf PCs roll 2D12 and use the result that is closest to 6 as their hieght in feet.  roll another D12 and add that many inches.

Alignment:  All elves are in love with the world.
Some elves are driven to jealousy  and plot against or destroy all other living creatures. (Chaotic)
Some elves love all creatures and would not knowingly destroy any creature. (Lawful)
Some elves blame one type of creature (randomly determined by DM) for all of the problems in the world and will hunt and kill that creature type.  (Neutral)

Beliefs: Elves believe that by doing one of the following they will be granted a wish once in their lifetime:
1. ringing brass bells at midnight
2. dancing nude for at least 30 minutes every day at noon.
3. weeping every evening
4. fasting every other day
5. never refusing a request for drink
6. eating wild mushrooms
7. singing before every meal
8. feeding all wild animals
9. telling strangers fortunes
10. never lying
11. talking to plants
12. fighting to the death

Elves and monsters: All ghouls were once elves. These undead come form a time when elves varied more in height than they do today, simply roll 1D12 for ghoul's height.

Elf levels: When an elf gains a level the player must roll 3D12.  At least one die must be higher than the elfs current level.  If none are higher, the elf returns to the invisible moon of his origin and is never seen in the world again.

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely wonderful. REALLY love the idea of them descending from beyond Earth in various ways.
